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A Journey Into the Unknown
A Journey Into the Unknown
In the beginning...

In the beginning...

In the beginning...

from my Niume account

Naomi Johnson

Having started a semi-autobiographical novel by hand last year it got shelved temporarily as I didnt feel that it should be my full focus if I wanted financial stability.

However I now have 2 self-published books which are available to buy now and it made me think....should I go back to the novel?

Well there was only one way of answering that, I opened up the laptop and loaded up iBooks Author my manuscript is currently balanced precariously on the shelf of my desk but here we go.

For those who are interested in the story I will be adding excerpts to my over-blog.com account and will be open to constructive criticism/feedback from anyone who wishes to comment.

Check out my Over-Blog for bonus posts!